IG Design Space Logo
all three tea flavors



Doutrà is a Vietnamese tea company that aims to bring people together with the tradition of tea.


The design team worked together to create a name, logo, brand, campaign language, packaging, merchandise, and social media designs.


We studied the history of tea in Vietnamese culture and how it has evolved globally today. When iterating how to depict this story, we aimed to illustrate tea as a point of connection, experimenting with layering of fundamental shapes and images.


A bright, warm palette was chosen to establish a friendly, powerful identity and was completed by the round aspects of the logo. Images of both rural and urban Vietnamese life helped to convey convergence and exchange, as well as the origin of the product. Finally, the campaign "Give tea. Do tea. Make tea. Share tea." portrayed how Doutrà could help the audience connect with others.

Design Team
Irina Goldman, Carson Rogers, and Janessa Torres


some of the handrawn initial logo ideas

A selection of the initial logo sketches.

It was very important to the client that the package shape was designed with user experience in mind. How the user picked up the package, re-used it, and shared it with others was critical. Below are some of the initial experiments with package shape.

some of the initial package shape ideas


the final logo all sides of one packag

All the panels of the final green tea package.

A couple of the Doutra Intsagram stories the different branded t-shirts of Doutra