IG Design Space Logo
A shot of Greg Gayle speaking at the February Event

Ask + Give


AIGA Chicago is a non-profit design organization aiming to serve and empower the design community.


When I joined AIGA Chicago's board in the summer of 2021, there was a common need for connection. People missed having everyday encounters, and because of this, they were also missing their support system. I pitched an open mic community meetup series to help bridge this gap, and with the help of the other board members, launched Ask + Give.


Ask + Give is as it sounds: attendees come with asks or gives that they have for the community. They can speak at the mic or among themselves. Additionally, scheduled speakers and showcased designers share their stories to fuel inspiration and support.

The logo is built to be accessible and modular. The font is open source and the format interchangeable, so that anyone in any community can access the building blocks and create their own Ask + Give.

Our main method of reaching our audience is through social media. We developed a branding system that was accessible and meaningful. Two halves of a whole, the "Ask + Give" is unified by AIGA Chicago's teal blue. The content of the social media designs focus on words of advice, popular questions, speakers, or community features.

The Ask + Give logo A photo of Greg Gayle speaking at an Ask + Give event